Re: Pope to rule on cleric dismissal — Oct. 27.
As a former student of St. Charles College in the early 1980s, it was with disgust that I read the article pertaining to Father Marshall and whether he should be defrocked.
As Father Marshall’s penitentiary sentence is almost over, it is even more unbelievable that his religious order (the Basilian Fathers) are asking him to now formerly resign from the priesthood while at the same time offering to provide him with shelter as he lives out the remainder of his days.
What incredible hypocrisy — asking a convicted sexual predator to resign from the ranks and then revictimizing all those students in his trust by welcoming him back into the order’s residence. It’s like someone had raped your family member and you then invite them to stay in your home.
Perhaps the order should let God take care of Father Marshall as he seeks a place to live after serving his prison sentence. It would have been refreshing to see the Basilian Fathers display some Christian values and use their resources to help these victims of sexual abuse, rather than paying lawyers to protect their fallen members.
It’s interesting to note that the St. Charles’ motto is “Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge.” Based on their pathetic actions, I and ashamed to say I was associated with this Order.