Winter weather can make driving conditions hazardous, so it’s important to take extra precautions to stay safe. There are many things we can do as Londoners to ensure the safety of ourselves and others. These following tips have been provided by the City of London:
Report Slippery Conditions or Roads That Have Not Been Plowed
If you notice your morning commute has not been properly plowed or is extra slippery, you can report to the City of London using this report page.
This page allows you to report specific details, like if a sidewalk, bus stop or bike lane has not been plowed.
You can also report when there is a slippery road or bridge that requires maintenance and salt. Be specific on the incident date and describe the incident to the best of your ability, with as much detail as possible. If the conditions caused you to be involved in a motor vehicle accident, and you’ve found yourself injured, your next call should be an experienced personal injury lawyer.
Find Safe Overnight On-Street Parking
In the winter months, you are unable to park on city streets without an overnight parking pass. You can register for an overnight parking pass here. They will not be issued more than 48 hours in advance and are only available between November 1st and April 30th, weather permitting. If a snow event is in the forecast, no on-street parking will be allowed, to make room for snowplows to clear snow.
Warming Centres
London has experienced some very cold winters in the past. The Middlesex-London Health Unit issues cold alerts when Environment Canada forecasts low temperatures of -15° or lower or a wind chill of -20° or lower. When temperatures are so low, the City of London may open warming centres for residents who require temporary shelter from the cold.
Say you’re from outside of London but the storm is much too extreme to make it home. You can visit this website to find the nearest warming centre location to you and hunker down until it passes.
Winter Maintenance
It is the City’s priority to keep the roads and sidewalks clear of snow and ice. They have a 24/7 response team and a prioritize route system to keep people safe and keep the city moving during the winter months.
High traffic routes get cleared first. This refers to roads that carry a higher volume of traffic, including bus routes. Other roads that are cleared in top priority are roads to vital destinations, like hospitals and schools. Smaller, less busy streets are plowed last.
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident due to road conditions, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer.