Partner Rob Talach Recognized in Documentary

April 26, 2019 is the world premiere of PREY, a documentary that follows Rod MacLeod and Beckett Partner Rob Talach as they seek justice for sexual abuse MacLeod experienced 50 years ago at the hands of a Catholic priest. Talach has earned the nickname of “The Priest Hunter”, having filed 395 suits against the church. He represented MacLeod in this lawsuit, which ultimately awarded MacLeod a record-breaking $2.6 million in damages.

PREY features never-before-seen footage of abuser Father Hod Marshall’s deposition before his death in 2014 and documents courtroom drama and personal stories of those present. Falling on the one-year anniversary of the trial’s conclusion, PREY exposes the truth of childhood sexual abuse in the church.

Buy tickets for the premiere at Hot Docs on April 26 and watch the trailer below.


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