Addressing the Impact of Clergy Sexual Abuse: A Path Toward Healing and Accountability

Clergy sexual abuse is a grave and deeply troubling issue that has impacted countless individuals and communities worldwide. The abuse of power and trust by religious leaders has left scars that are not easily healed. In the wake of these crimes, both the victims and society as a whole must grapple with the consequences of such profound violations. Addressing the impact of clergy sexual abuse requires not only acknowledging the pain it has caused but also taking actionable steps toward accountability, justice, and healing for all involved.
This man says working at Scouts Canada gave him PTSD. Now he’s suing the organization

Stephen Greensides, a former employee of Scouts Canada, is suing the organization for up to $2.1 million, alleging that his mental health was irreversibly damaged due to his role in handling safety complaints. Greensides, who worked in Scouts Canada’s safe scouting department from 2016 to 2020, dealt with traumatic cases, including sexual and violent incidents, which he claims led to his depression and PTSD.
Ont. law firm seeks information on convicted Catholic priest amid active abuse lawsuit

An Ontario law firm is seeking information about the movements and activities of a Catholic priest who was convicted of sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy before he died. Father Leo Charron was a parish priest in the Emeryville area from 1957 to 1958, in Windsor from 1959 to the mid-1960s and in the Pain Court and Stoney Point areas thereafter.
Compensation for Victims of Sexual Misconduct: Special Damages

This is the third and last article in this series which focuses on compensation for victims of sexual abuse. In cases of sexual abuse, there are three main types of compensation or “damages” that are commonly: general damages, economic damages, and special damages. This article will focus on special damages.
Sexual Abuse Support Tips

It can be difficult to know what to do when someone you care about has disclosed to you that he or she has been abused. You are dealing with your own thoughts and feelings while trying to provide support to your loved one as they deal with the trauma. This is not an easy thing to navigate.
Vulnerable Victims

Sexual abuse is unfortunately a plague which spans all corners of the globe, all sexes and all socio-economic classes. That being said, those who have a pre-existing vulnerability can often find themselves the target of a perpetrator more often than others. From the poor fatherless boy in the parish to the already anxiety ridden teenager at the […]
Disgraced former Winnipeg football coach sentenced to 20 years in prison for sexual assault

A disgraced former Winnipeg high school football coach convicted of sexual assault and luring will spend 20 years behind bars. The 54-year-old man had pleaded guilty in July 2023 of nine counts of sexual assault and two counts of luring.
‘Done keeping it a secret’: Young woman speaks out about stepdad’s sex abuse

For more than a decade, Hope Jordan felt like she had duct tape covering her mouth. Amid fears of ripping her family apart and pressure from her mother to keep quiet, Jordan felt she couldn’t talk about the years of sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepdad, Ric Lahey, who was recently sentenced to seven years in prison.
Western University Homecoming 2024

Western Homecoming is this weekend. Welcome back all the students and staff for another incredible school year. Many of our lawyers and staff are Western alumnus and know the importance of being extra safe this weekend.
Warning Signs of Grooming at School

Grooming is when a perpetrator builds an emotional connection with a child to gain their trust as a way to commit sexual abuse. They are manipulative behaviours used to coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught.