World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The goal of this world-wide day is to better recognize and raise awareness about abuse that is experienced by seniors across the globe. At Beckett, we know that elder abuse is an unfortunate reality for many individuals and their families. We have extensive experience in dealing with long-term care home negligence that directly impacts the elderly population.

The Realities of Elder Abuse

According to the World Health Organization, elder abuse can be defined as “a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person.”

The prevalence of elder abuse makes it not only a human rights issue, but also a public health issue. It is a serious social justice issue that impacts many older Canadians. According to Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, up to 10% of older adults have experienced some sort of abuse. In Ontario alone, this equates to roughly 200,000 older adults who have experienced some sort of abuse.

Long term care and nursing homes are both common places where abuse can take place. This abuse can take various forms including physical, financial, psychological, and sexual abuse. Additionally, neglect is also a common form of abuse that can be seen in long term care and nursing homes.

It can be difficult to know the specific signs and symptoms of elder abuse in your loved ones. Since each case of abuse or neglect may look different, it can be hard to connect certain symptoms or signs directly with abuse. That being said, there are some common signs of abuse that you can watch out for in your loved one. They include, but are not limited to:

  • – Unexplained injuries
  • – Fearfulness or depression
  • – Changes in personal hygiene
  • – Unusual money withdrawals or money transfers

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

The Long-Term Care Homes Act outlines the specific obligations of these facilities. If you suspect that your loved one in a long term care home is experiencing abuse or neglect, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help.

If you have concerns about the care that a loved one is receiving, there are several ways that you can file a complaint or inquiry against the long term care home. Three popular courses of action include:

  • – Make a complaint to staff or management
  • – Contact the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  • – File a complaint with the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority

The team at Beckett can walk you through these options and help provide legal guidance on the best fit for your specific case. Our lawyers have extensive experience in the field of long-term care negligence and we’re ready to fight for the rights of you and your loved ones. Connect with our team today for a free case evaluation and we will help you in your fight for justice.


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