Team Beckett and Canadian Blood Services: A Partnership for Life

August 30, 2023

By: Anju Fujioka

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The Urgent Need for Blood

1 in 2 Canadians are eligible to donate blood and plasma, but only 1 in 81 actually do.

We take for granted that blood will be there when we need it. But this summer, Canada’s blood inventory is extremely strained, with over 100,000 open appointments urgently requiring donors.

At Beckett Personal Injury Lawyers, our clients and our community are at the heart of what we do. We represent clients who have been severely injured in motor vehicle accidents, and many of them have depended on blood to save their lives. Our friends, family, and community are in need. The call for blood is one we cannot ignore.

Partners for Life

This why we are excited to announce that #TeamBeckett is the newest Partner for Life with Canadian Blood Services, encouraging donations from staff, friends, family, and community throughout the year.

Team Beckett is already nine members strong and continues to grow. We are a mix of staff, lawyers, and our family members. Some of us are seasoned donors and others recently donated for the first time! With our numbers growing, we are looking forward to scheduling a group donation sometime soon.

The Summer Law Challenge

Team Beckett has also joined the "Summer Law Challenge", in which London law firms compete to see who can get the most donations under their team name between July 1st and September 30th. Anyone – friends, family members, clients, and community members – can make a donation as part of our team.

Join Team Beckett and Make a Difference!

Are you ready to roll up your sleeve with Team Beckett? Whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned donor, we're all in this together.

To join the community of donors, visit or use the GiveBlood app, selecting "Beckett Personal Injury Lawyers" from the Partners menu.

For more information, please contact Team Champion Anju Fujioka at You might even catch her handing out drinks and snacks at your next donation!

Remember, every drop counts, and your donation can save a life.

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